Screw compressors (oil flooded)

The screw air compressor is a reliable and efficient compressor unit, used to produce compressed air of high quality. In the catalog of CJSC "Remeza" you will find oil lubricated air compressors with different types of drive, for use in the food and chemical industry, construction and other industries.

The proposed versions

You can buy a screw compressor of one of the following types from our official dealers:

  • Device in the open version. Available without soundproofing housing, have a capacity from 4 up to 15 kW. They are equipped with vibration-damping springs or wheels and may be applied in the food and chemical industries. Mobile and compact, affordable;
  • oil lubricated compressors with belt drive. They offer a wide range of power (from 4 to 75 kW) and the quality of assembling. One of the best units in its class, has the coefficient of efficiency up to 92%. The price of the screw compressor with this type of drive depends on its power and other operating characteristics;
  • direct driven models. Their power is in the range of 30 to 315 kW. Manufacturable and productive, include automated control system. Some modifications may be equipped with a built-in dryer.

Advantages and operation features

The screw compressors of the trade mark Remeza are assembled on the basis of air ends and other constituent parts of the German and Italian suppliers. The units of our production offer:

  • cost-effective power consumption. A modern screw-type compressor spends on average 30% less energy than a piston device. At the same time, the performance level of the screw models outperforms the piston ones;
  • compact dimensional parameters. Thanks to them, the compressors can be relatively easily moved (transported) from one operational location to another. They are indispensable in carrying out road and emergency works;
  • the ability to operate steadily over a long period of time. A screw-type air compressor is able to support the long term production load, has a great resource;
  • A moderate noise level during operation. Also the operating unit does not make much vibration;
  • the convenience of installation. Industrial devices can be mounted even on the non-fixed base stands. During operation the compressor does not change its location, does not press through the base stand;
  • large interservice intervals - on the average of about 4 thousand hours. In addition, the operating screw compressors Remeza do not require a permanent presence of a trained specialist - they operate in automatic mode;
  • the opportunity to automate the production cycles. The screw compressor is controlled by microprocessor devices, which can reduce the staff costs.

The compressors are equipped with air-cooling system, which increases their resistance to overloads. You can order the model in a stationary or mobile version, with a noise isolation hood or without it.

What to pay attention to when choosing?

Be sure to check with the advisers of the Company-seller:

  • the type of drive;
  • power and performance;
  • the noise level in decibels;
  • the country of origin of the constituent parts.

The reputation of the brand is of great importance. The screw compressor units and reciprocating compressors units "Remeza" are well known to the customers in Europe and the CIS, have proved to be reliable and unpretentious in the operation of the device. Contact via the feedback form to buy a screw compressor in Germany.
